Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day! You Rock.

Yesterday was amazing, 70 degrees on our long deck, I in my sun hat and shirtsleeves, Ms. Pearl lying in the warm, panting.

It's supposed to be averaging upper 40's in February, but it looks like we're having a couple weeks of respite weather and I'm all for it.

Have a great Valentine's Day, whether you have a sweetie or not, because you deserve it!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Nice Snow Isn't Always An Oxymoron

It seems like the Southwestern United States has been in a state of drought, or almost out of a drought, or here we go again, it's a drought again, year after year. It's been an unending loop.

A couple of small snowstorms here in Northern New Mexico have made folks a little happier. As everyone I talk to says, "We need the moisture."

Along with the snow this time came some wicked cold, down to single digits at night and teens during the day. It's warming up, though, so that nice snow will melt slowly, trickling down to feed the soil and its plants. Well, that's the plan, anyway.

Ms. Pearl and her man went on a morning survey; I was lazy and stayed inside.

The report is simple:  The sky is blue, the sun is shining and all is well.