Thursday, August 13, 2015

Northeaster Green Beans

Last fall we were eating dinner at a friend's house and she served the most delicious, fresh from her garden, roasted green beans. I learned the seeds were from Johnny's, so ordered some for this year's garden.

These Northeaster Green Beans were perfect for our cool mountain summer.  Here's a photo of the kitchen garden around the end of July. The beans were already to the top of their trellis. In the past weeks, that twelve foot row of green beans at the back of the garden have gone over the top and back down again. I've picked about 11 pounds of beans so far and they're still going strong.

As you can see, they are a flat bean with no strings, tender even when they grow looooong. I decided to skip blanching (dipping them in boiling water for a short time and then sticking them in cold water) the beans. I followed this excellent video tutorial and when winter comes, I will know how it all worked out.

And I even labeled them.