Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Quilty Pleasures Wednesday

Wednesdays here at the Nickel and Dime will be reserved for quiltycraftymakeit projects that I am working on, or ones that I have finished if I have been a slug and haven't been doing anything.

At Threadbear, the quilting store in our nearest big town, Las Vegas, NM,  a group of ladies meets on Friday afternoons to explore new quilting ideas. We decide on a type of project and help each other muddle through the instructions, offering ideas and support when it comes to designing or laying out what we have done.

Our first projects were from the book One Block Wonders by Maxine Rosenthal.

These interesting patterns and blocks are actually from one fabric cut in an ingenious way. I won't get all technical, but we were amazed at the variety of designs we were able to cut from just one fabric. We each chose a fabric for the project.
This was the fabric I chose 

And here are a few shots of the quilt top. It's not quilted yet, but will be soon. I promise I will become a better photographer, really, I promise!

and one close-up
It's kind of like the Stack n Whack technique, but looks more kaleidoscopic to me. It was a fun project and now when I look at fabric I wonder how it would look as a One Block Wonder.

1 comment:

  1. looking forward to your quilty pleasure day...sounds kinky theer


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