Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Quilty Pleasures Wednesday-A Mystery Quilt

Road to California is a gigantic quilt show held each January in Ontario, offering a star studded cast of quilt legends.  There are classes to take, demos to watch, quilts to admire and lectures to attend. It's four days of quilt overload! I spend way too much, but that's okay because while I am typing this, Tom is probably on ebay. Yeah, I just checked and there he is.

That's Mark with his dogbuddies
 Mark Lipinski was at Road a couple years ago, so sis-in-law Pattie and I decided to take a mystery quilt class from him. It was from 6 in the evening until the wee hours of the morning.  Some of these quilty ladies had entire quilts made in record time. It was like they were in the Bluebirds reading group and I was in the Buzzards!

Outside the meeting room a beautiful, eclectic mix of quilts was arrayed on the hallway floor like a Middle Eastern carpet bazaar. Back inside the meeting room, I plugged away at my sewing machine, just trying to get the danged quilt done.

I tried to stick it out, but when I began rotary cutting like a drunkard, I knew it was time to pack it in. Suffice it to say that around midnight I ran out of gas and went to bed.

A few weeks later I finished the quilt. Then it sat for a while longer, about six months or so, and I finally took it to the quilter.  When I got it back it was time to move and I hadn't sewn on the binding. It still isn't sewn on, but I have an incentive: I promised a charity in Mora that they could have a quilt for their silent auction and I promised it for next week. So the quilt will finally be done,  have a new home and there will be scholarships for some Mora seniors.

I like it but I don't love it, so that's why it's going to a new home.

Here's a close-up of the fabric used in the quilt. I love that flowery print, don't you? The shadow of doom is me and the camera phone. (Gotta find the real camera. Where is it?)

1 comment:

  1. I really like it! That is very nice of you to give away your hard work =) maybe I will go with you guys next year and bring along the little one?? Hahahahaha!! JK!! I would never intrude on Pattie and Bridget time ;-) Plus I don't quilt...but I sure as heck love them!!! My boys still love the ones you made them =)


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