Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Quilty Pleasures Wednesday-Fabric Giveaway: Let's Celebrate!

I love this box. It's the one that holds most of my bright, crazy improvisational quilting fabrics.

Inside this box are treasures galore. I have so much fabric in here I forget what I have.  I bet there are plenty of you out there with the same (ahem) problem. When I start pawing through it, I make amazing discoveries. Making a quilt with these fabrics is an exciting journey because I don't know what fabric I will choose next.

Remember this quilt?
I was totally happy and thoroughly involved when making it. There's another one in the works after a couple obligations are met. They're addicting!

So let's get down to the giveaway: I am pleased to say that our new, three month old blog hit over 4000 visitors the other day! I don't know if that's good or not, but to me it's totally cool! (Sounding a little SoCal surfer chick, aren't I?)

It's time to share some of this awesome fabric with you, the people who have been visiting our blog.

I am putting together fabric packs that will include one Lady of Guadalupe panel, a fussy-cut Freda Kahlo, along with 20 fat quarters of assorted fabric you can use to make a small quilt of your own, or at least give you a start on a larger one! There will be two winners.

Here's how to enter: Leave a comment answering this question: Who is your favorite quilt designer?  I will randomly choose two winners from the comments. The contest will officially close Friday, July 1 at 7:00 pm, Mountain Time. Unfortunately we will only be able to send our fabric prizes to the United States. If you comment anonymously, I may have trouble contacting you if you win, so include your email address along with your comment if you anonymous folks want to enter.

Freda will be waiting for your comments!


  1. I'd have a hard time choosing one favorite designer. They range from YOU (LOVE LOVE LOVE your Lady of Guadalupe!!!) to Pat Sloan to Anne Sutton to Kaffe Fassett! I'd love to make a quilt like yours! Thanks so much for the generous offer.....Darlene Piche,

  2. I just found your blog through the lib quilters and love that top quilt! My fave designer is Laurel Burch.

  3. A favorite designer of mine is Freddie Moran. I love her color sense and whimsical, bold designs!

  4. I like ideas from Gwen Marston-the freedom is wonderful!@

  5. i make charity quilts from scraps, and so I adore Bonnie Hunter and her ways of doing things, then I like Pat Sloan and Tesselating Nation and MODA. I would adore to win this, but I have already won by finding out about your blog. THANKS

  6. i forgothow to contact me other than her blog, I am, carol

  7. I loved your quilt and the colors are fabulous!! It must have been so much fun to work with those colors. They look like the colors I love to wear (except for the yellows and oranges). I would love to share in this fabric. Who is my favorite quilt designer. I love Bonnie Hunter since I love scrap quilts, but Jinny Beyer has a place in my heart too.

  8. Adore this kind of fabric.I make so many liberated and artsy quilts that I love anything bright and filled with life but I use everything and anything.. I love improvisational and art quilting over traditional but I've made quilts in all styles and genres. There isn't a quilt or fabric designer that I couldn't find something about to love!!I sew every day, all day and most of it is given to charitable organizations whether it's comfort quilts or art ones to earn money for a variety of charitable groups. Love your stuff and am delighted you posted so I could come and visit and bookmark your blog!

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog and issuing your invitation to put my name in the hat for your drawing. I'm looking forward to catching up on your previous posts. :- )

    My favorite quilt designer... hmm. I think I'd have to say Anna Williams or Rosie Lee Tompkins. Or possibly my own great grandmother!

    I adore these types of prints. Been wanting to make a quilt like yours. Crossing my fingers!

  10. Your bright colors and charming designs resonate the New Mexico where I grew up. It's terrific that you are willing to share your fabric collection. If you had asked a few weeks ago, I'd have told you my favorite designers are Gwen Marten, Freddy Moran, and Kathryn Schmidt. But now that I've had the privilege of attending classes with Priscilla Bianchi, I am enchanted with her designs. She manages to incorporate the pizzazz of those other super stars and then add her own charm with Guatemalan native textiles. Mary in Panama

  11. boy! did you get alot of responses! cool! i have to tell you what you already favorite designer/designers are marston and moran. they have liberated me and shoved me out of my box. pattie

  12. OMG I'd love that skeleton fabric. Fantastic for Halloween houses, and those stripes are gorgeous.

    Fav designer? Hmmmmmm. Not difficult. Gwen Marston with Tonya Ricucci a close second, although she's not so much a designer as a inspiration. Oh and Katherine Guerrier.

  13. As a weaver I am aw of your color pallet. I have your red heart quilt from Mom's estate and I love it! I am looking for a hippie quilt for my wall to break up the ugly green my landlord painted.
    Teaching was just a stepping stone to your true talent. I have a rug for you we can send. Address needed. Love, Judy

  14. There are so many wonderful designers to choose from this is a difficult question. I would have to say Pricilla Bianchi. I love the way she combines textiles from Latin American and commerical cottons to develop her designs. I like using different fabrics and vintage quilt blocks, so her thoughts helped to reinforce my style thoughts.

  15. What fun fabric you have! I can see myself combining them into a quilt that would be reminiscent of my husband's growing up in New Mexico! My favorite designers are Laurel Burch and Ricky Tims. I pull lots of ideas of Mary Johnson too!

  16. My favorite designer is Kaffe Fassett because of the bright colors and organic designs he introduced to the quilt world. I love that skeleton fabric that you've shown, and Frieda Kahlo - I didn't know they made a fabric of her. Your quilt is just wonderful! Kathie L in Allentown

  17. I am too new to this to have settled on a favorite yet, but since I keep buying Ricky Tims books, he comes to mind first. I have the Madonna panel in my stash waiting for inspiration and I think I just found it. Hope I'm one of the lucky ones. Thanks for sharing.

  18. OOOOH! What great fabric. I will have to say Kaffe Fassett is my favorite designer.
    Thanks for the chance.

  19. I could say that Bridget Boyle is my favorite quilt designer! In addition to you, I seem to gravitate to a lot of books by Ruth B. McDowell. I love the creativity of making quilts that look like paintings or water colors. Her daughter and my DIL were best friends so I feel I know her and would love to spend a lazy aftenoon cutting quilt squares with her and chatting!
    I love your blog Bridget! My husband and I are two retired school teachers as well and may not have a ranch, but are finding just living together constantly is a daily adventure!
    Becky.... (email anytime...would love to chat)

  20. I have many designers that I really do like and follow. Currently I am a big Bonnie Hunter fan. Laural Burch is another designer of fabric that I like.

  21. Etbourdet@comcast.netJune 30, 2011 at 10:42 AM

    My favorite quilt artist at the moment is Ricky Timms. For his mastery of color and quilt techniques. I love reading your blog. Elisabeth Bourdet

  22. I would have to say that Mary Lou Weidman is my favorite designer this week. last week it was Freddy and Gwen. Always though it is my own little head that ends up with the final say so. Love your stash!

  23. Drat! forgot to leave my email addy just in

  24. Sue Ryan e-mail:
    OOPS! Forgot to leave it with my comment!!


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