Sunday, July 24, 2011

Country Mice Go To The Big City

We just returned from a two week trip to Southern California, in particularly Orange County (OC) and Riverside County, part of what is called the Inland Empire (IE).  That's where I grew up (OC) and where we've spent the past 40 years (OC and IE).

The family is still there in OC and our teeth needed cleaning. Yes, we are having a hard time separating from dentist Pat Brown and hygienist Melissa. Son Z is there, too, as is Tom's fam. Plus we needed to take the rest of the stuff from my parents' place and more stuff gleaned from our old house back to New Mexico. That's where we live now, the northern part, since we moved here a little over a year ago.

Ms Pearl has increasingly become a Nervous Nellie in the car, standing and panting the whole way to California, so we gave her what she calls "Ruthies," a little something to relax her. We only gave her half a pill, so she panted quietly and stared a lot at I don't know what.

Partay in the back seat with Ms. P!
Visiting with Tom's mom, dad, sister and her kids and their progeny is always an adventure, a happy, circus-like atmosphere with kids and their parents running around, lots of chat, and good food to make it even better. We were lucky to see all the nieces and nephews in this branch of the family, some who flew in from Seattle and San Francisco. Christmas in July is now its official name.

We had a beach day. This is Newport Pier beach on a Monday, not too crowded, really. We had time to visit with friends and I got in a little shopping. One thing I noticed when we were visiting were the many places to go and things to do and people to see in the OC and IE. Gee, you could make a song out of that last sentence!

We missed home, though, and are glad to be back here at the Nickel and Dime.

Even though Mignon, that devil, did it again, reached through the growing dome's vents for the last broccoli plant, some cucumber plants, and a bite of bell pepper! Time to fence the dome.

1 comment:

  1. that last picture makes it look like there's more then just you and tom living have almost as many cars as ol' bill! had a nice visit. hope to see you somewhere in sept. theer


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