Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fourth of July Weekend-Northern New Mexico Style

In Las Vegas, New Mexico, Fourth of July is celebrated with Fiestas, a three day event with music, dancing, food and usually fireworks, but not this year due to the fire danger in New Mexico.

Much of the fun is centered at the Plaza Park, where people bring their folding chairs and blankets to make a day of it. It was a big crowd, there to watch their kids act in skits and dance, tap their feet to bands playing music, listen to the town's history by a New Mexico professor, and, of course, to eat. At other booths you could get a tattoo, buy biker chic clothing, pick up some jewelry or get your face painted.
Ringing the plaza were food trucks and booths serving elote (roasted corn), tacos, burritos, Frito pies, taco cones (which I will definitely taste next year), green chile cheeseburgers, and gigantic paper plates mounded with what looked like freshly fried potato chips. The Navajo taco line was really long, so I missed out there.

Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church was serving a meal, Tapetes de Lanas, the weaving center, had a watermelon eating contest, and little kids were sticky with cotton candy.

Because Las Vegas was founded by Spanish settlers way back in 1835, much of the entertainment has a Spanish/Mexico flavor. We were there to see Ernest's and Arlene's daughter dance Folklorico, always a crowd favorite.

The dancers did one selection while holding glasses of water, which I think showed how ladylike they could be while dancing. That's Leandra, Arlene's and Ernest's daughter in the foreground.

There were costume changes, and with the change of dress came a change in the style of dancing. The dancing in the white lace dresses was ladylike while the bright dresses signaled flashier dancing.

Leandra is studying to be an R.N. specializing in flight nursing.

The little kids were cute. Here's a dad giving his little girl a pep talk before they go on.

The little kids received the most applause. Don't you love little kids performing? They looked so serious, focusing on doing their best, their parents up there to get just the right photo op.

Hope your Fourth was a fun one, too! PS-We will announce the fabric giveaway winners on Quilty Pleasures Wednesday. See you there!

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