Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Summertime in Northern New Mexico

We've been hanging close to home, Tom cutting wood every day. He discovers more dead oak each time he goes for a walk and the woodpiles keep on growing. I think it's his idea of wealth, kind of like the hoard of Trudy's meat pies in the freezer or the idea that all will be well if there are enough pork chops and rice.

 I actually found some wildflowers on my walk yesterday, not as many as last year, but enough to be encouraging. Rainfall is still below normal so we are thankful for any drops that fall.

Inside the growing dome the temps usually run in the low 90's,  perfect for our summer veggies: tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, chile peppers, zucchini and green beans. When I mentioned to one of the farmers at the Mora Farmers' Market that I have been picking green beans for a month and a half, she said, nonplussed, "What? How long? How did you do that?" I had to admit that I cheated, growing them indoors. She looked relieved.

Growing tomatoes and zucchini outdoors last summer was a dismal failure, the nights too cool and the wind beating the crap out of the plants. So I am grateful for the dome.

Here are some beauties I picked the other day. How does your garden grow?


  1. Your doing good Bridget! I washed the beans off with soapy water and cleared alot of the old vines. fed and watered. I'll see in a week if I have new growth. White flies :0/ My tomato's are out of control and I cut back alot of new growth. and I pulled the cucumber plant because it was doing really lousy (what else can I say) I have enough time to plant another one ;0) Jeanie

  2. Your tomatoes make a pretty picture. All I have now are a couple of pepper plants, the Big Jim and a Bell and some okra. Too hot for anything else to grow. I've been clearing out and getting ready to start over next month. June

  3. those maters look tasty...so lucky to have a place to grow pest free...except for mignon of course...keep on keeping on! theer


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