Thursday, August 11, 2011

Taos Shopping Day or Whatsa Poona Kheera?

Taos, New Mexico is our go-to town when we want to buy groceries somewhere other than Wal-Mart, so yesterday we shopped at Cid's Health Food Market mainly for meat for the freezer, Smith's because they have a better selection of beer and wine than just Bud Light and Boone's Farm, and at the Red Willow Farmers' Market for veggies grown at Taos Pueblo. They had a sample of a cucumber called a Poona Kheera, originating from India. I heard a young farmer say, "They're Indian. Not us Indian, but India Indian."

 Sliced, it looked almost like an Asian pear, brownish skin with bright white flesh. A touch of sweet added to a distinct cucumber flavor plus a juicy crunch equaled a sale. I bought just one because I have cucumbers growing at home, but wish I had bought more than one of these India Indian cucumbers because it was that good, the kind of cuke you could eat right out of hand. I see they are (usually) for sale here, but currently sold out. I'm going to search for these seeds because I am absolutely cucumber smitten.

Before I went veggie shopping and fell in love, we stopped to eat at Orlando's which is quickly becoming my favorite place for New Mexican food. We ate outside and even with the cars rushing past just on the other side of the hedge enclosing the patio, it felt peaceful.

But I am hankering for a Poona Kheera right now.

1 comment:

  1. i want a poona kheera....sounds naughty ;~/


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