Monday, September 19, 2011

On the Road Edition

Tom has taken me to Salisbury, England, to eat Salisbury steak.

He's taken me to Kentucky to eat Kentucky Fried Chicken.

We've had New England Clam Chowder in New England and Manhattan Clam Chowder in Manhattan.

And now he has taken me to Gas City, Indiana

to get gas!

Will the excitement never end?

Tom wisely says, "It's better to get gas in Gas City than to have gas!" (I wonder if he was talking about me?)

PS-Quilty Buddies: On my way to the Beaver Island Quilt Retreat!


  1. But, have you been to Columbus Ohio to experience the OSU Buckeyes and the insanity of the Big Ten Conference??? No! You watch PAC10! Come see some real football!!! With serious deranged alumni!

    Theresa and Tom


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