Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Quilty Pleasures Wednesday-Beaver Island Quilt Retreat, More Quilty Goodness

People made the most amazing pieces at Gwen Marston's Beaver Island Quilt Retreat and I had fun taking photos of the work we completed.

Here are a few little quilts to enjoy, to contemplate, to derive inspiration.

The first one is a view from a window at White Birch Lodge, where most of the quilters stayed and where the retreat was held.

The next two are what I call samplers, the quilters trying some of Gwen's techniques.

Here's a color study. It reminds me of the beach or the cliff behind my house.

This quilt's shape and use of different elements makes it look Asian. The large stitch quilting adds to its Asian-ness, don't you think?

 These quilts make me look and look again at all that is going on. I want to make a collection of little guys to ring the upper walls of my sewing room!


  1. Lovely quilts. Thanks for sharing.

  2. It is so neat to see such small quilts with so much in them. I appreciate your sharing the process of these. Very helpful. Hope to get started on a mini one of my own today or tomorrow!

  3. How much fun did you all have??? We are all green with envy and grateful you are sharing your fun with all of us! Did you get any classroom shots? We always LOVE seeing the sewing setups etc. as it gives us all ideas of what it felt like and what we need to bring on retreats etc. Those are always big photo hits!


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