Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Quilty Pleasures: Day of the Dead Fabric

In Mexico it's the second day of Dia de los Muertos, Day of the Dead, a time to pray for and memorialize friends and members of your familia who have passed away. November 1 is All Saints Day and November 2 is All Souls Day, both days celebrated in many parts of the world. I remember as a kid going to mass in the dark, since Daylight Savings Time hadn't kicked in yet. We didn't do anything special on All Souls' Day except pray at church.

In Mexican households altars are built to commemorate their loved ones, complete with foods they liked, favorite drinks, sugar skulls,  and marigolds. Mexican bakeries make bread in the shape of skulls to eat for breakfast. It looks a lot more fun than just going to church.

Cemeteries are central to Day of the Dead, with families hanging out at loved ones' graves to be with the souls of their departed. In some parts of Mexico people will spend the night there.

 Here's some neato fabric I've had stashed for quite a while. Some are Alexendar Henry from the Folklorico line.  All I know is they came in a neat little fat quarter bundle and I love it!

Have a great day and remember your dearly departed loved ones. Frida is watching.

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