Thursday, December 22, 2011

Family Photo Quilt: An Historic Document

   I love this quilt my sis-in-law Pattie made several years ago for her parents.
 It's ginormous, so only about two thirds of it is shown above. She collected family photos, printed them onto fabric sheets, and used a Twist n Turn setting designed by Sharyn Craig to highlight each picture. Since there were three kids and nine grandkids, the quilt had to be big to include everyone!
Trude and Pat, the Young Marrieds

The photos include ancestors, Pattie's mom and dad throughout their lives, their kids, and their grandkids.

This looks like a tv family from the 1950's

Married for 50 Years in this Photo
The quilter did an excellent job positioning the stitching so the photos were still recognizable. The open design and neutral thread don't compete with what we really want to see:  the photos.

This is most definitely an historic document, one that Pattie's family will keep and cherish for generations.


  1. what a great family treasure...and a grand idea.

  2. So Bridget, if I wanted to make a small version (a quilt for my new grandson (due 4/8/12) what would you charge me??? not kidding! Jeanie

  3. This is a great way to share your family photographs. I just received a bunch of photographs (actually I took photos of photos), and have been thinking of ways to use them creatively.


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