Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Quilty Pleasures Wednesday-Scrap Republic

Hi! We've emerged from Christmas with some awesome gifts, so for a couple of posts I have some stuff to share with you.

As a member of the Bright Colors Club (not a club, really, but you know you're a member if you gravitate toward those brilliant hues), I am excited about Scrap Republic by Emily Cier.

It's 8 Quilt Projects for Those Who Love Color and it doesn't disappoint. I love free piecing my quilts and any book that says, "Find colored scraps that are about 1" X 2" wide  and about 5" long" is a winner. Other quilt instructions are more specific, so if you are in the measure accurately club (all these clubs!),  you, too will like this book.

My color sense is a work in progress. I learned a lot at Gwen Marston's Beaver Island Quilt Retreat this past summer, but an intense learning experience like that makes one realizes how little they know!

This book will help add to the learning and I can't wait to get started on some of the projects.

I hope this year to make a quilt a month. It's not a resolution, but just a way to keep meself on the straight and narrow, finish up some in-progress projects and finally make some wall hangings and quilts for the house.

What quilty plans do you have for the upcoming year?


  1. Just beautiful, that must be what they mean by a"riot of color"

  2. Join us over at

    I just ordered this book and plan on working from it too!

  3. That looks like a great book. I am a member of your color club as well. I'm not sure what my quilting goals are this year - I really haven't made any, but I hope to continue last year's finish what you start rule. It isn't the starting of the projects that is bad, but I need to finish something before I can start something else. This year, I did pretty well in moving some projects along.


I love your comments! What's on your mind?