Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Stars in My Eyes-Quilty Pleasures Wednesday

I love scrappy stars: liberated, non-liberated, wonky, precise and any other way they might be aligned. I've made stars as parts for a quilt.

But I've never made an entire star quilt. I've been anguishing over starry quilts for a while now, an angst that began when I learned how to make liberated stars, Gwen Marston style.

Then I saw this post today and it just makes me want stars even more.  Is there a Southwest Scrappy Star quilt sometime in my future? But when? So many ideas, I am overwhelmed!

I want to send out an "Hola, chica," to Jodi at the Pleasant Home Blog, who got my mind churning on the stars idea again. I love her blog because the photos are delicious, inspiring, and she has some awesome tutorials.  She's what I would like to be when I grow up!

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