Friday, March 23, 2012

Roasted Butternut Squash with Garlic

In the past when I've baked butternut squash, sweetener and stuff like cinnamon and nutmeg have been right there to disguise the squashy taste. Lately, though, it seems the old taste buds don't always need the squashy flavor to be hidden. Maybe it's because I've had some excellent butternut squash soups lately. I don't know, but I sure liked the way this squash came out.

Many thanks to Cousin Donna who donated the squash. I think I will grow some in my garden this year.

Roasted Butternut Squash with Garlic


2 T minced fresh parsley or 1T dried parsley
1 T minced fresh thyme or 1 t dried thyme
2 T olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 t salt
1/2 t freshly ground pepper
1 large butternut squash, around 3 1/2 pounds, peeled and cut into 1 inch cubes (To peel a squash, cut off the neck, cut the neck and the body in half lengthwise, scrape out the seeds and shreds inside. Use a y-shaped vegetable peeler to remove the skin.)
1/3 c grated parmesan cheese


1. In a large bowl, mix up the oil, parsley, thyme, salt and pepper, and garlic. Add the squash cubes and toss them in the oil mixture until they are well coated.

2. Transfer to a cookie sheet that you have lined with some foil. Bake, uncovered, at 400 degrees for 50-55 minutes. About halfway through your time, move the squash cubes around to allow them to brown evenly.

3. Sprinkle with the parmesan cheese and enjoy! I had some leftovers and mixed them with pasta and a little more olive oil for a restaurant quality lunch the next day.

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