Friday, March 9, 2012

Sewing Room Progress Report

I promised to post a photo after I jettisoned and relocated the miscellaneous junk piled on the floor. The stuff in that pile had been squirreled away in the big shelving unit used to house my fabrics and quilting materials. This is how the floor looked before I started yesterday, like maybe I was auditioning for a spot on Hoarders.

Of course, there were breaks to watch The Big Bang Theory, Parks and Recreation and Modern Family plus today we traveled to our big town for a visit to the Motor Vehicle Department which took half the day. It wasn't because of the Motor Vehicle Department, where the lady who helped me a couple weeks ago said, "Bridget, when you come back, just let me know you are here and you don't have to wait in line." Today the nice DVM lady called me up ahead of about 25 people and without making eye contact with the people waiting, I moved quickly to her window where we conducted our business efficiently and with little fuss. The time factor had to do with lunch and picking up groceries and driving back and forth. The minutes just keep on ticking.

Nonetheless, I was able to get that area cleared and you can even see the futon! And the rug! But now that I am looking at it, I think it all looks a little blah.

 One of my quilting heroes is Melody Johnson, an artist from Tennessee, who makes mostly fused art quilts, but also pieced and quilted-as-you-go quilts. Melody knits and sews for herself on top of it all. I think I need to make a bright quilt inspired by Melody to cover this drab futon cover. It will probably be something like this.

There will be some ongoing changes to the guest/sewing room that I will share as I do them. (As it is, the other half doesn't yet realize that tomorrow we will be moving some furniture around in here.) A couple pieces of furniture need new paint and there are zillions of quilting magazines and books to purge. I still have stuff laying about that needs a home. Look at the sewing machine cabinet:

Holy sheesh! And I really must sew this weekend, so goodbye to that chaos tomorrow morning.

I want to thank you readers who let me know I am not alone when it comes to messes. You gave me the push I needed to get going and without you that pile of junk would still be there, taunting me.


  1. Way to go, Bridget! Love your concept for the futon. I have to write a blog with pics of how I covered Steve's dinette cushions.

  2. Inspiring, Bridget! Maybe I can make some headway on my sewing room tomorrow.


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