Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Temps in the '70's, and then, Bam!

K and J are visiting and brought snow. Just last week while I was hiking about in my shirtsleeves, I thought, "These little sprigs of grass are cute! I hope we get some moisture soon to keep them growing." I was feeling a little gloomy, worried that the steers would not have enough grass to last until July, which is when the natural grass-fed beef co-op buys them.

So now we have the moisture I asked for: First driving rain, then little hail pellets followed by large, gloopy flakes of snow, until we settled into something more serious. More snow is expected today.

I hope the apple buds are okay.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bridget, I just gave you the Liebster Award. Check it out on my blog.


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