Wednesday, May 2, 2012

On the Road New Mexico Edition

For the past couple weeks it seems like we've been driving a lot.

We drove to Albuquerque.

Camped at Chaco Culture National Park.

 Went to Taos to pick up groceries and to eat food I didn't have to cook.

And made a trip to Santa Fe for more shopping. There's a Trader Joe's and a Whole Foods there.

Once my wheels stop spinning, we will catch up. Until then, enjoy the pics, friends.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures Bridget! we are 33 days away from being on the Kern~~ FISHING! So ready to go somewhere, and it will be the first trip for the pups. Yes~ we're taking mom & dad, and the kids ;0)
    So, are you going to do a blog on Chaco??


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