Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Spring Randomness-Some Nickel and Dime Photos

Spring is finally, really here, with all the trees and bushes leafed out and, for a while at least, warmer weather. When we're talking warm, what do I mean? Dang! It was 78 degrees! It was "I could have stripped off my clothes and run around" warm! But I didn't.

The grass is growing and the steers have been having a party, moving throughout the Nickel and Dime like they're at a progressive dinner or something. You don't see any cattle in this photo because they are over in The Enchanted Forest testing the grass.  When we tossed out the last of our hay,  they ignored it. I think The Angus Boys like eating locally.

The bees are humming along, tasting all the blossoms: apples, pears, these pink things, and the lilacs you can see in the background.

Speaking of lilacs, I had never seen them growing or smelled their delicious scent until we moved here. When I smelled them, it knocked me for a loop and the next thing I knew I was weeping uncontrollably. I think I associated them with orange blossoms, which used to be the signature scent in Corona, CA. The days of orange blossoms permeating the Corona air are gone, so maybe I was weeping for the past. M said it was probably hormones. I think she's right.

A series of storms has arrived, and these clouds were the beginning of it. Isn't the New Mexico sky amazing? No wonder artists like it here.

1 comment:

  1. Bridget, the Modern Monday/Traditional Tuesday blocks aren't from a book at all - you get them for free at 42quilts.com. She did them as a sew-along. So no need to go buy a book! I saw on your profile you used to live here in SoCal - where? I'm in Forest Falls - it's the mountains that I have to have to stay sane. I love visiting your blog because that area of NM is a favorite. I went to college at Texas Tech, and every chance I could get I either went backpacking in the Pecos Wilderness or skiing at Angel Fire or Taos. I even spent one summer working at a camp near Hermit's Peak. Old stomping grounds, you could say. And yes, the New Mexico sky is amazing!


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