Friday, July 13, 2012

Midsummer Yard Update-Fruity and Flowery

Finally, after two years of drought conditions, it's a true monsoon season: late morning cloud buildup and then afternoon and evening thunder showers. It's like God's bowling alley up there in the clouds when the storms hit, and I sit on the sidelines and watch it all unfold. When the thunder and lightning get started, I can't help but remember the Disneyland train ride through the Grand Canyon, the coyotes howling with lightning and thunder surrounding us all.

Along with the rain, for the first time in two years we have apples. The apples have previously been victims of late frost and cold temps, but this year the weather was kind to the blossoms and there is fruit. So now I need to figure out what to do with them. Heck, I don't even know what kind of apples I have on the three trees. All I know is each tree has a different variety of apple.

The grapes are back, too. I've tasted these grapes, which are sweet, like a concord. Lots of seeds, so I am thinking grape jelly might be a good idea for these guys.

I am amazed at the lavender and how well it grows, no matter what. I will always want lavender in my yard.

I tried to get a shot of the bees who love this lavender, but they decided not to show up.

Speaking of bees, ours are still getting used to their new queens at my kind neighbor's home. Why is she so kind? She's sharing her bees with me! It was time to divide some of her hives, so we did just that. Transporting them the 5 miles here will be interesting, to say the least.

Summertime is for having fun and relaxing. Hope you find yourself a patch of grass and have a good old roll in it.


  1. Hi Bridget,
    I'm new to your blog. Came over from your comment on Patchery Menagerie. Love your garden pics. Can't wait to investigate the rest of your posts. See some of your quilts.

  2. I just loving reading about your homey adventures. Your gardening, you animals, and when you quilt your quilts. This year I grew a few herbs in a pot and placed them right outside the back door. Last night I cooked some chicken savored for awhile in lemon juice, rosemary, thyme, and basil with bits of a brand new garlic clove and seasoned with Redmond onion salt and lemon pepper. I grilled it for awhile in a pan with a tiny bit of coconut oil and then added a garden onion and zucchini. Rice would have been nice, but we're on "no grain" for now, but the meal with the fresh garden produce was delicious. I'm sure you feel like royalty when you eat your scrumptious fare at your little bit of heaven too. Thanks for sharing!


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