Thursday, October 11, 2012

Delicious Northern New Mexico Autumn

With a title like that, you're probably expecting an apple recipe or some other thing besides a post about October here at The Nickel and Dime. But I promise a few more apple recipes soon, really.

The other day I took Ms. Pearl for a walk and was wowed by the fall colors against our blue sky. This shot is from our driveway which has pasture on one side.

I can watch the wind work its way toward us. It moves in the far trees and the grass, its path rippling through the amber like a wave through water. It's like I am in the ocean on a surfboard watching a golden swell come closer.

On the other side of the driveway the oaks look brilliant.

The air feels crisp but the sun is warm. Ms. P decides we should walk toward The Enchanted Forest. She swims in the beaver pond which makes her day complete.

On the way back, Pearl alternately trots alongside and disappears into the trees, but when I call her, she reappears, just like a magician's assistant. "Here I am," she says. "Why are you worrying?"

The grass swishes against my jeans legs and little teensy burrs grab onto the denim. I use a broom to sweep them off when we get home.

Delicious autumn!  My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.  ~George Eliot


  1. I'm in desparate need of a walk like that~~ helps "center" the soul~~ Jeanie

  2. Beautiful pictures! How high up are you there? I have some small Gambel Oaks... hoping they turn autumn colors this year.

  3. You "do" have beautiful autumn colors in Northern New Mexico. I'm originally from Indianapolis and sometimes I miss the changing season here in Las Cruces.

  4. Desert diva-Thanks for the comment...Take the road to Taos for some beautiful aspen and oak color.

    Tie Dye Judy-We are around 7400 feet here, so our Gambels do the color changing thing. Hope yours will!

    It's not like New England or Wisconsin or Northern Michigan, but it will do.

  5. How lovely!

    Here in Houston we don't get any fall. Maybe a little bit, but not until January. I miss it. I am from St. Louis originally. I miss apple picking too.

  6. Just found your blog through the BlogHer ad network, and I'm loving it! I live in Albuquerque, have my whole life, so it's interesting to hear about New Mexico from a transplant's perspective.


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