Friday, December 28, 2012

It's Trudy's Birthday and She Made A Gorgeous Afghan (or two)

Happy Birthday to Trudy who is 93 years old today. She's my treasured mom-in law, caregiver to husband P, mom to three, grandma to 8, great-grand to 7, and there's even one great-great granddaughter!

She's an accomplished sewist, knitter, and crocheter, tireless go-getter, and still keeps on going, like the Energizer Bunny.

The day or two after Christmas she says, "Okay, if you want me to make anything for your Christmas presents next year, you have to tell me now!" For a while T asked for two sweaters every year, and he has an amazing collection that will last him until he is 93 himself.

So we get out the books, look on the internet, and choose what we want.

Last year M and I chose the same afghan. What's nice about choosing a year ahead of time is I almost always forget what I ordered.

Christmas is about surprises, so that's what happened again this year.

Trudy used all her scrap yarn and bought more to complete two big afghans. She says it's something she likes to do while watching television in the evening. Trudy doesn't like to just watch; she has to have a project going. I can relate.

So Happy Birthday, Trudy! The Sizzler salad bar awaits.


  1. Happy Birthday Trudy. I am impressed!

  2. Love the picture of her hand touching the afghan ... Wow the love on each piece...truly special!

  3. My Great grannie used to make afghans while watching TV... back in the 50's! They came out beautifully, and gave her something to keep her hands busy. So I totally relate!

  4. The hand that creates is a beautiful hand. What a lady! Happy New Yr to you.


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