Sunday, December 2, 2012

Leave It To The Beavers

We are lucky to have a creek running right through the ranch. Sometimes it's dry, but usually we have water flowing, one of the few sounds out here in the boonies. Cross our fingers that we get some snow so the water keeps on chooglin'.

Beavers like the creek, too, and on the property next to us they have been busy. The first dam I saw, created from rock, was so tidy I thought humans had done it. And they have soldiered on, making a sizable pool. Those wires you see crossing the water are our fenceline.

Looking toward our neighbors' property, this is where most of the pond is spreading. That's a yak in the background and an adobe building behind the yak.

Beavers used to be considered pests, but they have become popular lately with ranchers and environmentalists because their dams cause water in the streams to soak into the surrounding grounds, in some cases causing the water table to rise. In arid climates like ours, that's a good thing.

This dam isn't stopping the water, so our "herd" of beef cattle, all two of them now, have plenty of creek water to drink.

Ms. Pearl likes the beaver pond, too. She calls it her swimming pool.

Sometimes she gives us her impression of a beaver.

We are happy to have the beavers move in. The water level in the creek has been low and fishing here has been almost nonexistent.

With deeper water, maybe trout will stay a little longer, if they don't mind sharing a pond with beavers, cattle, yaks, and dogs.


  1. Have you actually seen any beaver? I'm wondering why a beaver would settle in a place with so few trees for Good Eats. We've seen the dams, and the house behind the dam... do you have a beaver home behind the dam? Glad it doesn't cut you out of water.

  2. @Terri, I haven't seen any beaver, but the neighbors have seen them active in the early morning and at dusk. There are many trees nearby, mostly pine, pinon and juniper of all ages. Close to the creek are smaller bushes, too.

    I haven't seen a beaver lodge, but there seem to be some underground excavations along the creek banks that may be accessible underwater.

    We need to study the beavers to learn more about them.

    (As Ms. Pearl and I arrived at the beaver pond, I heard what sounded like a plunger, like maybe a beaver took a dive into the water. But alas, no more after that. Do you think it could have been because Ms. P was swimming? Most probably.)

  3. HOW cool! I sometimes see trees cut by Beaver when I go upstate, but I havent seen the beaver! We have beaver in this county too...but its been yrs since Ive seen any activity of one.
    Im sure you will see him eventually if you keep looking for him.


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