Friday, December 14, 2012

Ms. Pearl Loves Snow

 When we moved here and experienced winter in Northern New Mexico and its below zero temperatures, our friends said, "Get Ms. Pearl a coat!" So we bought her a coat. The other day when it was as low as minus 10F and had finally inched up to 10F above zero, Ms. Pearl wore her coat when Tom and she went out for her morning constitutional.

Ms. Pearl looks ready for anything in her new coat, complete with reflective stripes around her middle and a collar that Tom says is reminiscent of Barnabas Collins, the classy vampire in the old soap Dark Shadows.

The problem is she isn't ready for everything. When she wears her coat it's like an invalid inhabits Ms. Pearl's body.

A cold morning at The NIckel and Dime

She doesn't want to pee or poop while wearing the coat. Ms. Pearl won't range about like she normally does during her morning walks. She prefers to sit. If coaxed, she walks toward you, holding up a paw, as if she has a sticker. But there are no stickers, just a dog that isn't sure what she should be doing while wearing clothing.

Tom took off the coat and she immediately took care of business. Then she found a Frisbee disk and decided it was time to play a bit. Running through the snow naked is her true calling.

She prefers to be unencumbered. We will keep trying the coat, though, because Pearlie is getting up there in age and needs to be coddled just a little, don't you think?

She likes her blankie, though, along with a nice, soft recliner chair.


  1. I've had no problem with mine, they have all like their coats.. Now, Lucy, who had NO hair HATED her coat and hated cold weather even more ~~

  2. HaHa how cute she is! I put a hat on one of my dogs and she went all around the room backwards trying to back out of the hat. Dogs can be so silly. Ms Pearl sure looks cozy in her blankie tho!

  3. It's like we would feel wearing clothing in the shower...WRONG!!!

  4. I think if Tom and Ms. P are sitting still for any length of time in the very freezing cold, she should wear the coat because there's no undercoat of fur like most labs have.


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