Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Quilty Pleasures: Locally Grown Giveaway

I'm all for locally grown foods: my garden (soon to be gardens), the Lazy Boys and our friends' chickens' eggs all contribute to our food chain here in Northern New Mexico. Once I find some pork and locally grown chickens, we should be in excellent shape.

But today we aren't talking food, but fabric--Locally Grown, a new collection from Andover Fabrics by Marisa and Creative Thursday.

Ann at Thread Bear in Las Vegas, NM, our local quilt shop, is giving away a fat quarter bundle of these cutecutecute fabrics with goats and sheep and fruits and chickens.  Oh, my!

You may enter the giveaway twice if you follow these rules:

1. Make a comment on this blog saying what foods you would like to buy or already buy that are locally grown.

2. Visit Thread Bear's website and after you've drooled over all the fabric there is to buy, come back and make a comment on this site telling us what fabric you liked the best.

So you may make two comments for two chances to win. Oh, yeah. Deadline for entries is Midnight, Pacific Standard Time on Thursday, June 6.

Just remember if you are a no reply blogger and don't leave any contact info, you won't be able to win!

And here is a neat idea:

Cover an empty oatmeal box with cute paper or fabric for a neato thread and scrap catcher in your sewing room.


  1. You can't get much more local than my husband's garden, and I can't wait until the tomatoes come. Till then, I'm overdosing on kale and broccoli.

  2. I love the Punctuation line. What a great name for the shop!!

  3. I've got a little herb garden going on my windowsill and some tomato plants and strawberries going out front. My in-laws have started a garden as have my neighbors so I'm hoping they have some extra to share! ;) I'd like to get to the farmer's market to see about rounding out the rest of my produce haul there . . . season just started, hopefully I can check it out this weekend.

  4. I would gladly buy baby carrots locally, but can't find any small ones, so I'm trying to grow my own for the first time in my new greenhouse and raised planters!

  5. Ooh! ThreadBear has some yummy fabrics! I have to go with the 'Undergrowth' green as one I would grab... love batiks, and this one is very interesting!

  6. In Truth or Consequences, we don't have a lot of choices of locally grown produce. What I've liked best, when I can get 'em, is heirloom tomatoes.

  7. I went into Thread Bear's archive of favorite fabrics, and I liked the Sakura Antique best. It looks a lot like my drawings!

  8. I would like to buy any fruit or veggie that is locally grown, I try to attend farmers markets or buy organic.

  9. While checking out Thread Bear's website, I came across 'Dragonfly Taupe' by Jules Davis. I like all things "dragonfly".


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