Sunday, March 16, 2014

Last Snow of the Season?

Our winter has been neither snowy nor cold, except for a few days here and there. I am not complaining about the lack of cold, but we could use a little more moisture.

Luckily, the past several days have had rain and sleet and even a little snow, so our ground is nice and wet, just what the grass needs.

This morning while he and Ms. Pearl were on their morning constitutional, Tom took some photos. The snow was already melting and will probably be gone by tomorrow.

Doesn't it look like sea urchins in a tide pool?


  1. great pix...seems like the other end of the world from Charlotte, NC

  2. Spring is definitely on the way, but no guarantee that there won't be more snow before the season is over! I have seen it snow here as late as May, so I never say never!


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