Friday, March 7, 2014

Quilty Pleasures: A String Quilt in the Making

Do you suffer guilt while shopping at your favorite Local Quilt Shop? Do you say, "I really don't need any more fabric." And then buy it anyway, guiltily, just because you like it? A lot?

Me, too, but I don't feel guilty about this one which I picked up in Prescott, Arizona last summer. It was calling to me. I had to have it!

It's called Sunflowers (duh) designed by Leers for Clothworks.

There were no plans for this fabric, so it sat around in my stash waiting for its moment. Now its time has arrived along with other fabrics patiently standing in the wings.

Using the dots on the selvage as my color guides, I started pulling from the stash until a nice assortment of coordinating fabric was piled on the cutting table. 

If you don't have a big stash, there's nothing stopping you from buying quarter yard cuts of fabric from your local quilt shop. Just saying.

Then I cut strips, the smallest 3/4 of an inch, the largest 2 1/2 inches and various in between. I ended up with a grocery bag full of strippy goodness. At the quilt retreat I attended a couple weeks ago, people would peer into the bag and say, "Oh, how pretty!"

From these strips came some colorful blocks which will find their way into a quilt this week.

That original fabric? It will be the quilt's border.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! I'm headed down to Prescott next week with my friend Sherrie Spangler who is visiting from WA... got the maps printed out to 3 fabric shops I like, so I'm sure we will find plenty to bring back for our stashes.


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