Sunday, October 5, 2014

Black Stack

I've been sorting fabric and for some reason, these blacks just caught my eye. I have a small collection of black with white and white with black because Gwen and Freddy say those fabrics help the eye rest when you have a quilt with many fabrics and many colors.

 What would you make with them?


  1. What a happy coincidence ... I am planning a small holiday project for which I was having a hard time deciding on a background color and ... guess what? I decided a white on black print (or a bunch of them) is the answer for me.

  2. I would make a background of big black-and-white squares and then applique random red circles on it. Or big red circles on a log cabin background would be cool, too. Pop!

  3. I have used black and white fabrics in some of my coiled fabric bowls, along with some red... really stands out!


I love your comments! What's on your mind?