Monday, December 22, 2014

December 2014

The Lazy Boyz came up to the house for a snack because, well, they like snacks, so we oblige them with what is called Cake. Its real name is Ranch Cake, made with supplements, minerals and other goodies. They just get a little because their food is grass, but Cake makes their day. Buffalo, one of The Boyz, reallytruly kicks up his heels when he sees us because He Likes Cake.

A few hours ago it started snowing and The Boyz were still hanging outside the garage.

 A Lazy Boy just never knows when there might be just a Little More Cake.


  1. Looks like you will have a white Christmas.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours, and the cake loving Boyz.

  2. We got some snow flurries off and on yesterday, but nothing to shout about. Looking for more next week... love the Lazy Boyz stories!


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