Friday, March 20, 2015

Nickel and Dime Ranch-Five Years!

Five years ago this week we left our 30 year home in California.

Moving tip: Ulta and Barnes and Noble have great boxes

We said, "Goodbye" to family

I didn't realize they'd both be gone within the year.

..and friends

Goodbye, but not forgotten

We thought March would be a good time to move since it was almost springtime.

Rest area just south of Santa Fe

And spring did June.

Ranch Headquarters

Ms. Pearl and Bonnie have adjusted to their new place.

Tom's become an expert woodsman. And Ms. P.

We like our neighbors.

Guadalupita Grassfed Yaks

I've learned to grow veggies at 7400 feet.

Everyone around here says, "This is God's Country."

Yes, it is.

Here's to many more years in Northern New Mexico.


  1. Beautiful photos. Congratulations on being at your ranch for five years! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wow...I cannot believe 5 your pix and your neighbors...

  3. And here's to your posts about NM. Always enjoy them. Thank you.

  4. Lots of changes in your lives, but such beautiful country to make them in! We've been at our place almost 12 years, and it is still our Happy place! Hope you enjoy many more years there!


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