Sunday, April 12, 2015

It's National Grilled Cheese Day! (But Green Chile Cheeseburgers Need Love, Too.)

Wow! I didn't even know until this morning, or I would have cooked up a "grilch" --what we call a grilled cheese sandwich--for breakfast.

So here's a "greatest hits" post today about two of my favorite grilled cheese sandwiches.

This first one is a grilled cheese, roasted pepper, tomato and pesto sandwich. That's a big yellow tomato slice on there, from my garden, a couple years ago. Man, that looks yum!

Here's the recipe link.

And here's a link for my other favorite blog post: Grilled Cheese and Green Chile.

Still, who says you need to have a Grilled Cheese? You might want a green chile cheeseburger at Santa Fe Bite restaurant. It is the best I've eaten and you won't have to eat for the rest of the day!
    A cheeseburger on a plate with green chile sauce.
    Photo courtesy of Santa Fe Bite