Saturday, May 9, 2015

Sewing Room at Critical Mass

An internet friend commented yesterday that she is inspired by my energy. Hah! Is what I say. All this flitting around comes at a cost, just so you know.

Exhibit A: The sewing room

We have definitely hit critical mass.

Yes, I've been beavering away (I just love that expression) on several projects, none of which are complete, surrounded by this insane mess.

This state of affairs started in December when I was making pillowcases, many pillowcases, for family and friends. As Christmas presents. That's Christmas. It's now May. Geez.

Since December the piles of fabric and, in the background, my clothing, have proliferated and I am getting twitchy.

The design wall was the last straw. This week it released its hold and looks like Charlie Sheen after a few drinks.  Good heavens.

Check out this detritus from the January AQS Show in Albuquerque, boxes of fabric, unfinished projects and, for the love of God, cans of tuna on the trunk near the window (I have a small pantry, what can I say?) That rail fence flannel quilt needs just two borders. The first two sides are done! Look over on the right bottom side of this pic. There on the ironing board are my pajama bottoms and some unfinished panels from my knitting class.

Here's how it should look.

So I guess I'd better get moving. Have a great weekend and I hope I've made all of you feel better after having read this confessional post.


  1. Sorry Honey, mine still out messes yours. My stuff is in boxes, but there is no place for the boxes. I have to be careful walking into the room lest I trigger an avalanche! Some have happened. The room is smaller at this new house than my last place, so there is even less stuff in it, but too much for the square footage. Now we are looking for a bigger place where I can actually have a design wall, and space for an ironing board and cutting board...You may have hit critical mass, but I've hit critical MESS. Love your blog. Thanks for trying to make us feel better.

  2. Yikes! I didn't know you guys had a tornado pass through! Just kidding... bet you have that thoroughly picked up and tidy again in no time, then you can go on to the next dozen or so projects! Have fun...

  3. You are totally my kind of quilting friend!!!


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