Monday, November 16, 2015

Quilty Pleasures: Chicken River Modern Quilters Are At It Again

One of our quilters has relocated to Albuquerque, so The Chicken River Modern Quilters decided a friendship quilt was in order.

Today I'm posting how it looks from afar.

And a Behind the Scenes look at Susan on the left and Linda on the right, holding the quilt up on a very windy afternoon. Check out the flying hairdos. Susan is our newest member and drove two hours from Trinidad, CO for the meeting. Our other new member is Jane Ann, who was taking photos.

Don't you love the setting? It's a traditional block, but modern quilting likes to take the traditional and add something new, like this off center design with white negative space.

The photo was taken in the alley behind Thread Bear, our local quilt shop in Las Vegas, NM. That rock wall is historic old, which is older than old is. This area dates to 1835 when the Spanish were in charge.

Next post: A closer look at this quilt and how the blocks are made.


  1. Oh I love this! The blues are gorgeous. Looking forward to the next post about it.
    I'd love to see that wall! I had the most wonderful college professor who taught History of New Mexico. His enthusiasm for his area's history was so inspiring and contagious - he even had slides of battle sites. I enrolled in his class because my parents and I had a wonderful vacation in New Mexico when I was 16, and a lifelong love of NM was begun and continues to this day. :)

  2. Beautiful quilt! Almost tempts me to try making one... maybe a table runner instead! Love the wall, it is obviously very old and makes a great backdrop for the quilt.


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