Sunday, January 20, 2013

New Mexico Sunshine

Northern New Mexico is enjoying temps going up into the 50's for the next week or so, and this chair has become a late morning reading spot. Yes, dermatologists say sunning is not allowed, but with the right SPF and a sunhat, a gal needs a little vitamin D, doesn't she?

The magazine is Rolling Stone and the article is about uppity nuns.

Even with snow still on the ground, Ms. Pearl lies on the porch's wooden floor, panting, soaking it all in, like an old lady in a sauna.

Sun sun sun sun.


  1. I'm with you! Put on a hat and sweatshirt yesterday and spent a few moments on the deck enjoying the sun! We're due to be in the 50's this week, then dip back down briefly for a little snow on the 29th. Meanwhile, we're in a sea of mud! But that's par for the course...

  2. Sun here today, but not with those temps. I'm jealous!


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