Thursday, January 17, 2013

Yes, There Is Some Quilting Going On Here

A comment by prolific quiltmaker Pattilou (check out her blog to see some of her many creations) made me realize I haven't had a quilt post for a while.

I really have been sewing my head off and hope to have some finishes in the next couple weeks.

The photo below is a hint to those who might be working on the same project, or have already finished it.

At least two of The Nickel and Dime's blog readers have either finished or are close to finishing their own versions of this quilt. Me? Well, I had to take a couple weeks off while we were visiting in California, so I am behind.

But I am determined to get this done, while listening to The Archers, a British radio soap opera known for being the longest running radio serial in the world. I feel like I have parachuted into another world, eavesdropping on the conversations of British country folk, both rich and barely hanging on.

So, who knows what quilt I am making? Are you making one?

1 comment:

  1. I'm not working on it, but I know what you're up to! Looks like some great colors and I'm sure you are loving working with them. Oh, that lime is just luscious--margaritas anyone?!

    I just got onto the Downton Abbey craze. I got caught up on season 1 on Netflix and then skimmed through season 2 and now recording season 3. Those British are fun to follow.


I love your comments! What's on your mind?