Saturday, September 14, 2013

Blessed Rain

For those of you who have regular rainstorms throughout summer, you are probably thinking the title of this post should be "Blasted Rain," and I hear you.

But around here, where people have been praying for rain for years, the past five days have been a blessing.

Remember this photo from back in July? Yep, that's a dry creek bed, even though we had just received a little rain and hoped for more.

We went out exploring and here's that same place yesterday. The footbridge touches the opposite side just to the right of the tree.

We haven't been out yet today, so who knows if the bridge is still there? I'll let you know.
Ms. Pearl's Labrador Retriever half has taken over and she's been body surfing down the creek. At first I was worried, but she knows where to get out.

Pearlie wouldn't hold still for a photo. "C'mon, cut the crap! There's water out there!"

Portrait of a Manic Austrolab.


  1. Love to see Ms Pearl in the water..some rain..

  2. So glad you're getting some much-needed rain! We've had a good summer here, rain-wise... probably the wettest summer since we moved here 10 years ago. Enjoy!


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