Monday, September 8, 2014

Even Though We Live Miles Away, We Are Neighbors

I laughed reading a friend's email yesterday because she looked forward to a neighborly gathering, and she lives 27.9 miles away, a 49 minute drive, according to Google maps. But yes, we are neighbors.

Our closest neighbor is half a mile away as the crow flies.  If one doesn't have wings and must drive or walk, it's closer to a mile.

Yesterday I visited a friend who lives about three miles down the road to pick up some carrots because she planted way too many. Since my carrots didn't do too well, I'm all for picking up some carrots. Earlier I gave her some garlic and she said I may have some pesto, too. Yum!

Here's our road. The road grader was here since our last rainstorm, so it looks good.

It's fun looking at our neighboring ranches. This one is around 1300 acres and has pines, cacti, and ferns: three different ecosystems at work.

 Friend Raye lives closer to the village with neighbors nearby.

Her house is adobe and the original structure was built in the early 1900's. That's Goldie, the almost fourteen year old Labrador.

               A smiling farmer out standing in her field, ready to dig. We barely made a dent in the row where Raye is standing, but I still ended up with plenty of carrots.

That's about five pounds of carrots, a zucchini, yellow squash and a lemon cucumber.

Goldie decided to cool off in the acequia, one of a series of water ditches that runs through many of the ranches in New Mexico.

Labradors and water equal fun!
We had some tea on the porch and Goldie had a few more pets. She's a happy oldster.

And then it was back toward home. Don't you love those clouds?

Now about those carrots: Stay tuned.


  1. Looks like you could have beautiful cloud pictures just about any day you wanted to take them. Mountains are beautiful, too. Seems like you had an idyllic day.

  2. Gosh, the colors in your photos are just amazing. How glorious to be in such wonderful country. Thanks for letting me visit for a while!


  3. You live on a dirt road.!! You are one tough cookie!! I do remember the color of the western sky, growing up in Arizona..beautiful. And fresh carrots. mmm

  4. Fun to read about your neighbors! We decided not to grow carrots this year. There is something fun about eating a carrot fresh out of the ground!

  5. Wow! You make me feel like a city girl, on 2 1/2 acres! We're on dirt roads here too... have had some issues in the past, since they are not maintained by the county, but we have learned to live with it. Being away from town has a lot of advantages! BTW, love the carrots! I got some to grow this year, before the Prairie Dogs found their way into the planter and ate all the greenery... next year, I really need to get some raised planters!

  6. Hi Bridget: Just became one of your followers! I finally got my new posts up from our trip, your on one of them ,I think but if not I enjoyed your 2 latest post and reading about your move to New Mexico. We use to have a lab like your neighbors they are precious dogs!


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