Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Quilty Pleasures: HST Overload Quilt

Man, oh, man! It's been a long time since I've written a quilt post, but I'm seriously stoked about the quilt I'm making right now.

Here's HST Overload on my back-of-a-tablecloth design wall. I've cropped out the blue painters' tape attaching it to the drywall, so it looks much tidier than in real life.

 I've had the blocks completed for about three weeks now, and they sat patiently while I dithered about where to lay it all out. At first I was going to do what I've done in the past, which is lay a tablecloth, flannel side up, on our bed which is upstairs. It's a good workout going up and down the stairs, but I decided not this time. I need a design wall in the sewing room, thus the taped up tablecloth.

In the next couple weeks I hope to have a real design wall, using this neato tutorial from The Quilting Edge blog. Instead of batting, though, I'll use a gray flannel sheet because Kaffe Fassett likes gray instead of white for his design wall. Less glaring, is one of his reasons. If it's good enough for Kaffe, well, you know the rest.

When the quilt is together, I'll update you all.


  1. Love all the colors in this quilt!!!!

    1. Thanks, Gretchen. Did you get to see Zozobra burn? I've never attended, but my daughter and hairdresser haven't missed a one!

  2. It has been a long time and great to hear from you and love what's going on with this quilt!

    1. Thanks, Pattilou. I've been a demon in the sewing room this week in between gardening and preserving and Modern Quilt Group!

      Happy quilting,

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks so much for your comment. My quilts are few and far, but I love making them.


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