Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Life With Cattle

We are playing host to three young heifers (teenaged virgin cows) because our friend has a bull at his place romancing the older ladies. If a heifer is bred too young, they most likely will have a difficult time birthing their babies and you don't want that.

So the three girlfriends (AKA The Supremes) along with our four steers (castrated bulls used for meat), can really wreak havoc. The term "Bull in a china shop" is real: cattle are big, curious, opportunistic galoots. Check out what happened when another bunch got into the growing dome.

This morning I was troubleshooting the drip irrigation system, finding leaks and digging up the hose to determine what needed to be done. Like many people with ADHD, when I am concentrating, I am in hyperfocus mode. So I was in my own little world when all of a sudden I felt hot breath on the top of my head. When I looked up, I was eye to eye with St. Thomas, the brown one. He's a nice boy, but he's getting very big!

The cattle have an entire creek full of fresh mountain water, but that water leak in the drip line was just way too interesting and before I knew it, I was surrounded. So I turned off the water, closed the gate and went inside, hoping they'd go away.

They didn't. They decided they liked it just where they were.

 Don Everly, one of the girlfriends and Ace Frehley were polite squatters. They didn't attempt to smash any plants and were perfectly happy under this pine tree.

 St. Thomas,  Phil Everly and Girlfriend 2 decided they liked this patch of chamisa. It's the last plant to flower each year and signals that fall is coming. I think the cattle were there because it is supposed to rain today--check out the rain clouds gathering. When it's fixing to rain, flies start biting and maybe this was their way of keeping the flies off.

St. Thomas is hilarious. He just buried himself in the chamisa and at first all I could see was his big old head.

The picture of contentment.

 Also looking quite comfy is Girlfriend 3, guarding the grand entrance gate. Before she lay down, she gifted us with a big pile of poop on the driveway and Tom stepped in it.

We like to keep it classy at the Nickel and Dime.

Until next time....


  1. Guarding the virtue of young teen aged virgin cows from the bulls next door seems like one tough chore.

  2. OMG, what a great story! Especially that last bit... life on the ranch!


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